in &c

Tasmanian Holiday Calendar Redux

My original post: Tasmania now has a calendar (2010)

I’ve updated my Tasmanian Holiday Calendar with the statutory holidays for 2013, 2014 and 2015. While going through the Statutory Holidays Act 2000 I’m fairly sure I noticed some changes to the schedules and so was hesitant to update it for the next decade, as I had thought of doing, in case there where any more changes. The link to the calendar is the same as for the original post as I simply added new events to the existing Google calendar. You should be able to use this on any calendar application, independent of what OS/platform you are using.

Note that some holidays are observed only in particular municipalities, these are marked ‘(local)’. Also each item on the calendar lists where it is applicable in the event description.

Click here to subscribe to the calendar

Download (for importing into non-subscribing software)
iCal versionXML version

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  1. Thank you for a time saving resource, especially the added touches such as daylight saving dates.

    Because of a peculiarity in the ics files produced by Google calendars compared with the iCalendar standard (RFC 5545), some but not all calendar clients choke on importing the file. This has nothing to do with the author’s excellent work. It is just a bit of Google knows best strangeness that pops up from time to time.

    Of course, this can be avoided by subscribing to the calendar using the link above rather than downloading and installing the ics file, but many prefer not to subscribe to public external calendars.

    Luckily, there is a simple work around. The trick is to first create a new calendar in your client. Then import the ics file to that calendar. Do not create a new calendar from the ics file directly. While I haven’t tried this with all the myriad of calendar clients available, I expect that it will work with most.

    Again, thank you for your work and I hope this hint helps others.